我们发现牠们(三只)有一段长时间了,被人弃养的可能性很高,牠们一起生活在一个菜园旁的小树林里,义工在喂养牠们期间发现牠们颈帶紧缩着, 甚至腐食牠们的皮肉,义工们试用过很多方法也捉不到牠们,其中一只较大只的近这几天也失去踪影,怀疑已经离世了,今天义工联同麻醉师和 ISPCA pet taxi 到达牠们出未地点守候着,这只被射中后, 逃跑入树林里晕倒,另一只逃得老远。
义工走入树林内把晕倒的狗狗赶急送去兽医所治疗,之后将会送入 ISPCA 庇护所休养,公开让市民领养(必须符合条件)。
We found three stray dogs staying in the woods next to the vegetable farm. Our volunteers found out that the dogs' collars were too tight and corroding their skin around their necks, and it was impossible to capture the strays. One of the strays went missing and was thought to be dead.
Our volunteers, assisted with an anesthetist and IPSCA Pet Taxi, went to their usual hiding spot and managed to capture one of them. The other one ran away as far as possible.
The anaesthetised stray was sent to a vet ASAP, and will be sent to ISPCA shelter for recovery and public adoption (TnC applied).
ISPCA hopes that more volunteers can help out.
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" the ipoh society for the prevention of cruelty to animals"