Oscar was one of our rescued German Shepherd back in 2017, from an abandoned residential housing, he almost couldn't survive during the time of rescue. After being rescued and taken care of in our shelter, he was adopted by Isaac from Kuala Lumpur and since then, he has his own forever home.
However, last week Oscar was not feeling well and so his owner, Isaac brought him to the vet and it was found out that Oscar was diagnosed with 'Serum amylase' and it was in final stage. The owner was feeling sad and he has no choice but only to bring him home to spend Oscar's final days together.
Today, Oscar with the company of Isaac, has peacefully left us.
We are so grateful that Isaac has given Oscar a place to call home, although it's short but we believed that these are the best and happiest moments for Oscar.
ISPCA hereby hopes that all the pet owners will be responsible to your own pets. Give them a forever home and do not abandon them.
Oscar 是 ISPCA 在2017从一家空置(屋主失联多时)的住家拯救回来的德国狼犬,当时救牠出笼子的时候牠几乎奄奄一息差一点就死掉。
在庇护所休养之后,被来自吉隆坡的 Isaac 领养,从此 Oscar 就在一个有自己小园子的新家里从新过着快乐的生活。
上星期 Oscar 不舒服,主人帶牠看兽医,并检查出 Oscar 患上血清淀粉酶 (Serum amylase) 健康急度恶化,主人很伤心但依然把 Oscar 从兽医所接回家中和牠渡过最后时刻,因为主人说 Oscar 怕黑,必须要家人陪伴。
今天 Oscar 在自己的家安样的离开了,并由天使帶领着牠走到彩虹桥的另一段。
感谢 Isaac 给 Oscar 最温暖的一个家,虽然很短暂,但我们相信这是 Oscar 最快乐的时光。