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2019 ISPCA 世界动物日 (park 2)


ISPCA 亲子宠物大冒险

日期 : 2019年10月20日(星期日)

地点 : Bandar Seri Botani Eco Park 2, Ipoh

配合世界动物日,ISPCA (怡保防止虐畜协会) 举办一场别开生面宠物与主人的互动户外活动。家长/饲主 必须和孩子或宠物在公园里寻找藏宝点,然后逐一过关(玩遊戏),分数越高,赢的奖品越丰富。


Its World Animal Day! ISPCA is organising a wonderful event for both pets and family to join and have fun together. Parent/owner will have to search for treasure located around the park with their children/pets, and play a series of games in order to achieve game points. The higher your score, the better the prize!

The main objective for this event is to educate children about love and care towards pets and animals, and to also convey the message that pets are a part of our family.

Very Important Pet (VIP) Magazine will come as ISPCA world animal day 2019 official media partner, post sharing in Facebook and event reporting with photos posted on Facebook 。

VIP宠物杂志 (Very Important Pet Magazine) 将作为ISPCA 世界动物日 官方媒体合作伙伴,并在Facebook上发布帖文和在Facebook上发布照片的活动报道。

ISPCA 亲子宠物大冒险
日期 : 2019年10月20日(星期日)
地点 : Bandar Seri Botani Eco Park 2, Ipoh

配合世界动物日,ISPCA (怡保防止虐畜协会) 举办一场别开生面宠物与主人的互动户外活动。家长/饲主 必须和孩子或宠物在公园里寻找藏宝点,然后逐一过关(玩遊戏),分数越高,赢的奖品越丰富。


Its World Animal Day! ISPCA is organising a wonderful event for both pets and family to join and have fun together. Parent/owner will have to search for treasure located around the park with their children/pets, and play a series of games in order to achieve game points. The higher your score, the better the prize!

The main objective for this event is to educate children about love and care towards pets and animals, and to also convey the message that pets are a part of our family.

Very Important Pet (VIP) Magazine will come as ISPCA world animal day 2019 official media partner, post sharing in Facebook and event reporting with photos posted on Facebook 。

VIP宠物杂志 (Very Important Pet Magazine) 将作为ISPCA 世界动物日 官方媒体合作伙伴,并在Facebook上发布帖文和在Facebook上发布照片的活动报道。

Source: https://www.facebook.com/ISPCA/photos/a.2633346293393095/263..




The Ipoh Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (The ISPCA), is a non-profit organisation formed under the Societies Act, 1966 of Malaysia. We are affiliated to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), London.

Our no-kill Shelter is located at Lot 38642, 4 1/2 Milestone, Jalan Gopeng, 31300 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia and nestles amongst beautiful limestone hills. Currently we are guardian to approximately 250 dogs and 80 cats at our Shelter.

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