
Happy Was A Stray Who Stayed Outside Of Sams Aunt ..


Happy was a stray who stayed outside of Sam’s aunt house in the Taman. Sam was then adopted by Sam! 💕💕💕

However, Hapoy has gone to the rainbow Bridge on 10 April 2020…her pawsmum, Sam used to be a volunteer at the shelter. She moved to Singapore after marriage , but she never forget the fur kids at the shelter.

She still become our regular donor and supporters. She even donated Rm2k as a memory to Happy 🌹🌹🌹 thank you Sam for giving a happy life to Happy 😘😘

Source: https://www.facebook.com/scasmalaysia/photos/a.1242524576680..



Second Chance

Second Chance is a group of like-minded animal lovers who met through the Internet when they read of Aunty Kiew's plight.

They do their very best to render help whenever time permits and within their limited capacities. They hope to find good homes for as many homeless animals as possible. Currently, there are 100+ animals rescued and fostered by this group.

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