Eng Version Below. - Mocha Golden 11 -. Golden1210..
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是个很温暖的故事。好幸运的狗生! 一起吃苦,再一起幸福 ❤
不知道你还记得背后同个部位溃烂、生虫的苦命小兄妹吗 – Mocha & Golden (去年11月救援影片 – https://goo.gl/N9KzHh)
他们不止康复了,而且都被领养到同个家庭了哟 😍😍
没想到承诺真的兑现了。一个月后,我们惊喜收到了领养人的讯息,他们还是挂心着Mocha, 于是Mocha终于幸福回家,和哥哥团聚惹 ❤❤❤
想说领养人的家庭教育非常棒! 孩子们小小年纪,就已经很懂领养不购买的观念。
If you still recall the two siblings, Mocha and Golden who both had fester and maggots wound on their back… They are now fully recovered!! Not only that, they are being adopted together into a same family. ❤❤
(Rescue video of Nov’18 – https://goo.gl/N9KzHh)
What a heartwarming story…
Golden was adopted back in Dec in our Adoption100 event, as that was the first time for the family to own a dog, they were worried about not being able to take good care of the siblings, hence they took Golden home.
The siblings were never separated from each other since born, Mocha was devastated and cried every night. She felt lonely and anxious, it was heartbreaking to see her behaving that way.
But the adopter’s young daughter had promised to take Mocha home and reunite with her brother, Golden.
And…she really did that!
After one month, we were thrilled to hear that the family was concern about Mocha, they finally took her in, and let the siblings be together.
We respect the way the adopters educate their children, spreading the right concept “Adopt, don’t shop” and teach them how to love since they were only young.
Love more, hurt less.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/207..
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