
厂工屠狗视频引网民谩骂.兽医局脸书回应爱狗人投诉.“为吃狗肉而杀狗 不违法” -【星洲国内】




绝对不能允许这样的事情在我国发生,凭什么来我们国家还要杀我们的狗来吃,我们没有这种 “文化”!”MCKIP staff china people killed dog for dinner in the factory” (Eng version below)

马来西亚浪浪真的已经够惨了 … 法律既然不能制裁,那就用我们的声音来为狗狗伸冤。

1. 强烈要求马来西亚兽医局将食用狗肉 / 猫肉列为犯法行为,全世界都在和这行为抗衡,很多国家也立法禁食,为什么动保意识还不觉醒?


Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar

签署这项由Very Important Pet Magazine发起的请愿书,要求修改法令!


2. 员工在厂内屠杀狗食用,造成社会不安,这不知道已经是第几只被他们吃下肚的狗狗 … 把你的想法传达给马中关丹产业园,(他们的面书 – Alliance Steel(M)Sdn Bhd 联合钢铁(大马)集团公司) 希望尽快站出交代调查结果

3. 成为素食者,这样的情景其实每天都在屠宰场上演 …😭 和我们一起长期茹素,因为生命没有不同

也希望所有企业都能让你的外籍员工知道 : 吃狗肉 / 猫肉在马来西亚是绝对不被大众接受的!




Absolutely we must NOT allow such things to happen in our country. Why do you come to our country to kill our dogs and eat them? We don’t have this kind of “culture”!

The stray animals in Malaysia are already pity enough… Since our law cannot couldn’t bring these people to justice, let’s use our voice to speak for the dogs.

1. Write to the Department of Veterinary Service, strongly urge them to bill the consumption of dog meat/cat meat as an offence. The whole world are against this behaviour now, so many countries have already banned the eating of dog and cat meat, why not keep up with the trend?


Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar

SIGN this petition started by VIP Magazine – https://goo.gl/7LqrsR

2. Employees slaughtering dogs in the factory to cook, causing social unrest. Convey your thoughts to MCKIP (Their FB – Alliance Steel(M)Sdn Bhd 联合钢铁(大马)集团公司) Let’s hope they will stand up and explain to the public, on the results of their investigation ASAP.

3. Becoming a vegetarian, this scene is actually happening in the slaughterhouse every day…😭 Let’s be a long-term vegetarian with us, because there’s no difference when it comes to life.

We also hope that all companies and enterprise to let your foreign employees know that eating dog meat / cat meat is absolutely not accepted in Malaysia!


Source: http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/1834111



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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