Jln Perubatan 23 Very Urgent. Rescued Dog With Tum..
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非常紧急! 救援的肿瘤狗狗在新山大学城 Jln Perubatan 23 走失了! 希望大家一起帮忙留意 😭 VERY URGENT. Rescued dog with tumor missing at Jln Perubatan 23, Tmn U, JB!
这只肿瘤浪浪我们已经诱捕了很多次,她的肚子有很大的溃烂肿瘤一直会滴血 / 母的巧克力色 / 有严重皮肤病。(留言区有影片
终于昨天半夜抓到她了,先暂时放在大学城义工家过夜,打算今天送医,可是她在清晨却咬坏了关着她的全新笼子,连闯护栏和篱笆逃了出去 (到底怎么做到的😢
大学城区有看到她的朋友请马上联系 012-716 7123 她需要尽快看医生谢谢大家 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Female brown dog / with huge and bleeding tumor on tummy / with severe skin problem. This stray doggie we’ve tried to trap many times and finally yesterday midnight we successfully trapped her and put her at volunteer’s house to stay overnight. Plan to admit her to clinic today but found that she bit and destroy the brand new cage and prison break in the early morning.
Any of you happened to see her at TMN U please please immediately contact us at 012-716 7123 tqvm 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/217..
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