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店主赞爆了! 善待或虐待,只在人的一念间,爱护生命真的无关宗教或种族,关键只在于一颗心 ❤
Hundreds of thumbs up for this laundry shop owner! They’re saving a homeless dog’s life by keeping inside the shop. It is never about religion or race it’s about compassion and love.
*The shop owner is Chinese but not Malay*
在大马,许多马来人对狗狗和猪猪都是“避而远之”,能躲多远就多远。但这一家开在Puchong的洗衣店老板,虽然是马来同胞,但却对狗狗超有爱心,为了保护狗狗,“宁愿不要生意”! 面子书专页Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better发文,P…
Source: https://www.noodou.com/%e3%80%90%e8%a6%81%e7%8b%97%e4%b8%8d%..
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