Astro Boy The Toilet Stray - Astro Boy Is Feeling ..
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厕所浪浪Astro boy好多了! 他已经回园区休养了 👏👏👍 这个大命的孩子,感恩所有帮助他医疗费的朋友们 ❤🙏 The toilet stray – Astro boy is feeling much better now 🙏 (Eng version below)
现在的Astro boy还是满脸忧愁,头部的伤口没这么快愈合,还需要继续洗伤口和喷药。如果一早有人伸出援手,其实Astro boy可以不必受这么多苦 ….
1. 这么大的伤口其实都是从小伤口开始的 ->
2. 血腥味吸引苍蝇去伤口下蛋 ->
3. 苍蝇虫孵化后不断啃食狗狗的肉 ->
4. 短时间内伤口会越变越大甚至败血症死亡 …
如发现有伤口的浪浪,请不要忽视它们 😢🙏 轻度伤口的话,大家其实也有能力帮浪浪做原地治疗 : 可以拍下狗狗照片,到兽医诊所购买口服药喂狗狗吃 (Simparica, Nexgard, Panoramis等,需根据体重买,但不适用在怀孕或哺乳动物身上)
Astro boy is back to shelter to start his rehab journey, thank you to all kind friends who’ve helped with his medical fees 🙏
It takes a period of time for the wound to close up completely, and now he still needs wound cleaning and application of medication.
Astro boy doesn’t need to suffer so much if there’s someone willing to help him in early stage…
1. Such a big and severe maggot wound is actually starting from a small wound ->
2. The bloody smell attracts flies to lay eggs in the wound ->
3. After the flies hatch, they eat on the dog’s flesh ->
4. Eventually the wound will be getting bigger and bigger and even causes death due to septicemia…
If you find a stray with wound, please don’t ignore them. You have the ability to help them too! You can treat them on spot, snap a photo of the dog, go to the veterinary clinic to buy oral medicine to feed them (Simparica, Nexgard, Panoramis, etc. need to give depends on dog’s weight, but not suitable to feed pregnant or lactating animals)
These can kill maggots, the effects of the med. even last for up to a month, a wound can only close up when it is without the maggots.
*If you are treating stray on spot, it is not recommended to use a spray, because the sound of the spray will scare the dog, it will become inaccessible after a few sprays*
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