817 Kempas Pets Union Hope Doggie Adoption Drive O..
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就在8月17,这次巡回到了新山 Kempas 的宠物乐园 PETS UNION 🙋🐶 #活动当天可买到晚宴票~ HOPE Doggie Adoption Drive of August is back to Pets Union at Kempas 🙋🐶 (Eng version below)
在救援多、领养少的情况下,园区就快要爆炸了啦 😭😭
别让这些千里迢迢、花两个小时来回车程、从郊区去到市区的孩子们空手而归好吗 ~ 它们个个都是性格好好的可爱宝宝 d(`・∀・)b
17/8/19 (六) . 12-6pm
PETS UNION (2, Jln Kempas Utama 3/7, Tmn Kempas Utama, JB) (waze输入Pets Union就有了)
* 大型、小型、年纪大或小的都会带到会场~ *
* 为保障狗狗健康和幸福,征收领养费RM350作为它们的打针、节育、晶片注射、驱虫、身体检查费用 (这些是养狗人一定要做的噢),需遵守基本爱护条件 *
更多询问 : 012-716 7123
/ 领养会上可买到我们2019.9月7的慈善晚宴票,希望大家给力支持 🙏🙏
晚宴详情 – https://bit.ly/2Z8W5nU
/【Shopee毛孩公益活動】线上捐款给3000多只的园区毛小孩 ~
Our shelter is going to explode with high rescue rate and low adoption rate 😭😭 #AdoptionSavesTwoLives
Don’t disappoint our rescued furkids who need to spend two hours to travel back and forth, from rural estate to town, to just seek for their home and human family 🐶🙏🙏❤
#AdoptDontBuy. Your decision changes their life forever.
17/8/19 (Sat) . 12-6pm
at Pets Union (2, Jln Kempas Utama 3/7, Tmn Kempas Utama, JB)
(Search “Pets Union” in waze)
* To secure doggie’s health & happiness, Adoption fees of RM350 applied to be used for their Vaccination, Neuter, Microchip, De-worm & Medical Check Up (All these medical procedures are compulsory if keeping a pet). Need to adhere to basic pet care rules *
For more enquiries: 012-716 7123
/ You can also purchase our Sept 7 Charity Dinner Ticket in this event 🙏
Dinner details – https://bit.ly/2Z8W5nU
/【Shopee’s Charity Campaign】Make an online donation to help our 3000+ shelter furkids – https://shopee.com.my/m/hope-shopee
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/239..
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