Posting On Behalf Of Another. 6. Bandar Utama Sega..
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Posting on behalf of another
昔加末或附近的朋友们,希望你能给它们有家的机会 🙏🙏 六只都是女生,但结扎后其实公母并没分别 (留言区有影片
举报人说本来那条后巷一只狗都没有,就因为一位恶狗主没结扎母狗,后又把狗狗丢出来,邻居们好心喂食但没结扎意识,结果家后一堆又一堆浪浪出现,又被抓狗队抓了一批又一批 ……
弃养的饲主真的是万恶之源 😡
恶性循环什么时候能被破解 😢
地点: Bandar Utama Segamat
联系: 012-751 2288
*想领养的朋友请您务必带宝宝打预防针,六个月大结扎 🙏🙏
* 感谢昔加末Super pet将协助带狗妈妈去结扎 🙏🙏 #领养结扎不弃养
Six adorable stray puppies in Segamat need a forever home URGENTLY. Six are all girls, but after neuter male or female has no differences. (Their videos are at comment session)
They are, AGAIN, unwanted and abandoned litters by irresponsible owner.
Location is at Bandar Utama Segamat, friends who’re able to give them a chance please directly contact 012-751 2288.
*For adopter please bring puppy for vaccination and neuter when they reach age of 6 months old
*Thank you Segamat Super Pet they will assist to bring mother dog for spaying 🙏 #AdoptNeuterNeverAbandon
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