
Alerteng Version Below. Distemper Parvovirus. Aler..


❗警报 ALERT❗(eng version below)

最近新山各区不少浪浪都得了狗瘟 (Distemper 犬瘟热 & Parvovirus 细小病毒) 😢 提醒大家 【预防针】 真的对猫咪狗狗们非常、非常重要


🐶🐱 有养宠物的朋友,请带你的猫/狗到兽医诊所注射预防针 (六个礼拜大就适合打针了),否则毛孩有高几率会得狗瘟/猫瘟。得病的猫狗非常痛苦,即使主人愿意花上几千块治疗费,有时也未必救的回,而一支预防针市价马币六十多块而已

🐶🐱 如果你常喂食的浪浪是能接触到的,请尽您所能带它们去打针 🙏

🐶🐱 做救援和寄养的朋友,请在救援猫/狗后先带到诊所进行驱虫,一个星期的观察期后,如猫狗胃口和健康良好便适合打针

要带新救的猫狗回家,请记得一定要和旧有的猫狗隔离至少一星期! 因为可怕的病菌或许会潜伏在新救的毛孩体内

🐶🐱 时常在外接触、喂食浪浪的朋友,如果你家的猫狗还没有注射预防针,请记得消毒后才接触家中猫狗,因为病毒很高几率都是通过人类带进家中的


虽然很累,虽然医药费很沉重,但毛孩最基本的医药福利 : 驱虫、打针、结扎、跳蚤预防,真的一样都不能少噢!


❗ALERT❗Wish to remind everyone that it is really important for cats and dogs to have their vaccination. Recently, there have been many strays reported to have diagnosed with Distemper and Parvovirus 😢

Prevention is always better than cure.

🐶🐱 If you have a pet, please bring your cat/dog to the veterinary clinic for vaccination. Otherwise, your pet might have a high chance to get fatal viral diseases that cause unnecessary suffering.

Your pet might not be able to survive and fight thru the disease even if the owner is willing to spend thousands of treatment fees. Whereas One shot of vaccination only cost approx. RM60+.

🐶🐱 If the strays that you are feeding are accessible, please try best to bring them for vaccination 🙏

🐶🐱 For rescuer and fosterer, please bring your rescued cat/dog to the clinic for deworming first once you rescued. After a week of observation, if the cat/dog have good appetite and active, it is suitable for injection.

To bring the newly rescued cat/dog home, it is a MUST to be separated from your current cat/dog for at least a week! Because there’s incubation period for the virus.

🐶🐱 Friends who are constantly in contact with and feeding the strays, if your household cat/dog have not been vaccinated, please remember to disinfect yourself before you get in touch with the cat/dog at home, because the virus is highly likely to be brought in by humans.

As long as the newly rescued animal entering our shelter is healthy, they will be receiving their vaccination after one week of observation period.

Every month, our panel veterinarian will come into the shelter once to vaccine a batch of the furkids and the rest will be brought in group to panel clinic in town by us.

Although it is very tiring and the medical expenses are enormous, but the very basic medical benefits (Deworming, Vaccination, Neutering, Monthly flea prevention) that the furkids should derserve to have just can’t be missed! 🐶🐱

Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/252..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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