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浩荡的【百人义工活动】 ❤
由拉美士和新山城市青狮会爱心发起,非常感激他们的善心 🐶🐱
10月26日星期六有空的朋友,欢迎来做一天的毛孩义工 (请直接点进帖里的链接报名义工或捐赠狗粮噢 ~ 感恩🙏
拉美士青狮会和新山城市青狮会将在10月26日联合主办”爱心传承”之百人义工为HOPE 希望护生圆3000多只狗毛孩进行洗澡以及狗粮筹募等一系列活动。希望护生园每月的狗饼用量超过30000公斤, 粮食费用每月高达马币140万令吉. 除此之外, 每个月花在医药费的开销也高达马币两万令吉左右. 收容所的收入来源完全是依靠大众的捐助勉强维持营运.
拉美士青狮会 龔富维 011-10878661
新山城市青狮会 彭于桉 011-11115770
Searching for volunteers!!!
Omega Leo Club of Labis and Omega Leo Club of JB City would like to invite you as volunteers to help around 3000 DOGS to enjoy their bath and
fund for their foodstuff at Homeless & Orphan Pet Exist (HOPE), Pekan
Nanas on 26 October 2019. No matter you are a man or a woman, don’t underestimate your power to save the life of DOGS with us. We look forward to hearing good news from you. We are also looking forward for the help of public in this fundraising activity. So that, we can provide some foodstuff to reduce the burden of the workers.
Date: 26.10.2019
Time: 11a.m.-3.00p.m.
Venue: HOPE,Pekan Nanas
If you are willing to join this activity, please kindly fill
in the form below:
If you are interested to donate some foodstuff, please kindly fill in the form below:
Any inquiries regarding this activity, please contact the following contacts below for more information:
Omega Leo Club of Labis- Leo Keng Fu Wei (0111-10878661)
Omega Leo Club of JB City- Leo Eon Pang (011-11115770)
Source: https://www.facebook.com/JbcityLeo/photos/a.2395539803798369..
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