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Stray Kitten Hid In Car Engine Eng Version Below. ..


躲在汽车引擎里无助大叫的流浪小猫,经过我们引导终于下来了 Stray kitten hid in car engine (eng version below)

没有妈妈、没有家人、没有家,只有孤苦无依的弱小的自己,小猫下来了还是一直在哭,连我们都能深深感受到那股彷徨无措 …

好讨厌雨季 ! 😭 下大雨这些小生命无处可去,为了避雨和取暖,很多小浪猫会像这样钻进汽车引擎里,对它们来说那边又温暖又安全,但它根本不知道这样做有多危险 …



有能力的朋友,请领养街头可怜的浪浪吧,这个雨季它们最需要家的温暖 😢

/ 这只小猫取名呱呱,我们发现它的尾巴后段已经坏死也很瘦弱,呱呱下礼拜需要动手术截掉尾巴,想领养呱呱的朋友欢迎联系我们

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Maybank 5012-0808-5710

Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai



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The stray kitten that was hiding in the car engine and shouting loudly, finally got down after our guidance.

He has no mother, no siblings, no home, only himself who is lonely and helpless. The kitten kept on crying even after he got down, even us can feel how lost he is…

We hate the rainy season! 😭 Under the heavy rain, these little homeless lives have nowhere to go.

In order to avoid rain and to keep warm, many stray kittens will get into the car engine like this. For them, it is warm and safe inside, but they doesn’t know how dangerous it is.

When the car starts, they will definitely die.

Before you drive, please check if there is a kitten or cat hiding at the bottom of the car, and please pat on the engine cover as an alert. A small action will help saves a life.

Please choose to adopt a poor homeless furkid on the street. In this rainy season, they need the warmth of a home. 😢

/ We named this kitten Gua Gua, we found that his tail tip has been necrotized. After a week of care in the shelter, Gua gua will need to have surgery to amputate his tail. Friends who wish to adopt him you are welcomed to contact us. There’re some photos of him in the comment box ❤

Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/videos/415367722721589/



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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