Volunteering Education Eng Version Below. 94utm. H..
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Volunteering & Education (eng version below) 最近园区好热闹! 😋
同学们从一开始完全没有头绪要如何动狗,变成最后的 【抱狗达人】
也有很怕狗的同学,在志工的鼓励和教导下,终于敢第一次尝试摸狗,兴奋的说 『我终于摸到狗了!它的毛好柔软,狗狗好乖!』
有发现吗? 从小到大,不管是家里、学校、社会,都没人教我们要尊重流浪猫狗、要如何和它们共处
浪浪的未来都靠年轻一代的你了 ❤
Recently, our shelter is so happening 🐶🐱Today, 94 students from MFUTM Club, UTM University came volunteering in shelter, give them the thumbs up 👏👏❤
We’re very grateful that HOPE can become an active and open education platform, so that everyone can come forward to know and understand more knowledges about stray animals.
From the very beginning, the students had completely no idea how to carry the dog, but end of the day they became the expert. 😁
There are also students who are very afraid of dogs. Under the encouragement and guidance of volunteers, they finally dared to try to touch the dog for the first time. They was so excited and said, “I finally touched the dog! Its hair is soft and the dog is so tame!”
No matter whether it is family, school or society, no one is teaching us to respect homeless animals or how to live with them, it doesn’t matter! Start with us who have the proper knowledge.
Adopt, Neuter, Never Abandon.
The small seeds that are scattered will one day grow into a big tree. The future of the stray animals depends on you the younger generation.❤
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/257..
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