I read this two days ago: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/12/12/focus/10079396&sec=focus
Apparently, the writer suggests that emus be farmed for commercial purpose since its meat can be eaten and its other byproducts such as oil, skin, feathers, eggs, blown out egg shells, nails, claws, bones etc. sold and marketed as handicraft, etc.
I wonder if the writer would even take a moment to consider the possibility of a stronger species governing our planet and farming humans for our meat, oil, skin, hair, nails, bones and other usable parts. And every day, we watch our friends, relatives, family members being carted off to be severed piece by piece, screaming and yelling to be spared.
Sure, we are intelligent and we have feelings, but this stronger species comes with a far more superior intelligence and they think we are plain dumb and incapable of thinking and feeling as they do (and they are absolutely right). And while some of them may empathise with us miserably dumb humans, their more scientifically minded people tell them, “Hey, don’t anthropomorphise these stupid humans! They are not like us.” (And I’m sure they, being more intelligent would definitely use a simpler word than “anthropomorphise” (which I can never spell correctly each time!).
And with all their scientific research in their labs (using us as specimens), they think they know all about us. But the truth is, they don’t. HOW can they possibly know all about us when they are not one of us? As intelligent as they think they are, they don’t even realise this basic fact. So we humans continue being slaughtered by the billions in their farms, every day. Why, they even have KFH chains (that’s Kentucky Fried Human! And those humans don’t look like us, they are genetically manufactured; they have no face, no fingers, no toes…poor fellows).
But I digress…
Please spare the emu.
Let’s not start KFE chains, please.
(That’s Kentucky Fried Emu)
Why spare the emu?
Reason 1: Because that’s the right thing to do.
Reason 2: Because what goes around comes around.
Choose whichever answer above feels better and more correct to you.
(One is from the moral conscience, the other is from moral fear.)
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