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Eng Version Below. 2020 Huat. Rosewhitekl 2. 2020,..


(eng version below)

2020 HUAT啊 😁 感谢爱心朋友们来陪毛毛们渡过今年第一个洗澡日 ❤🙏😊 辛苦了!


园区目前还是在靠天吃饭 … 水的问题困扰了我们很久,里头用水量非常大,但水供应长年都不够,雨天虽然能储存到很多水*,但天冷不能洗澡,热天最适合洗澡了,但却又没有足够的水用 😢

尤其水力不强,水根本无法去到园区的最后段,时常看工友们扛水扛到半夜 … 心酸。如大家有认识厉害的水喉师傅,希望能介绍给我们,改良园区里面的储水系统 🙏

特别感激本地护肤品牌ROSEWHITE的爱心团队特地从KL下来做义工,感谢来自新加玻的爱心朋友们,感恩大家 ❤ 2月开放日见 ~



2020, HUAT AR. 😁 Thanks for all lovely friends who came yesterday to spend the first bathing day of the year with our shelter furkids ❤🙏😊 Thank you!

Yesterday’s weather was really hot, but recently our shelter is seriously lack of manpower, so everyone must work hard to make sure we bathed each of the furkids.

At present, our shelter is often at the mercy of the weather … The water supply in shelter has not been sufficient for many years. Although we can store a lot of water on rainy days*, but dogs can’t be bathed on cold days. And when the weather is hot, we are not having enough water.

If you know any good and experienced plumber, please recommend to us and we hope to improve the water storage system in the shelter ASAP. 🙏

We’re specially grateful for the loving team of local skincare brand ROSEWHITE for coming all the way from KL to help. Thank you to friends came from Singapore too, thank you all ❤ See you guys on next open day! 🙋

*In rainy days, we store rainwater to wash the floor, and the limited water supply can be used for bathing.


Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.156371867742360/270..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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