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Adopted. - Elsa. Eng Version Below. Elsa. Elsa. El..


Adopted ❤ 已被领养

… … … …

🐶 本月领养吉星 – Elsa 妹妹 🐶

(eng version below)

这是上个月我们第一次看到小狗Elsa的惨状 …

她被人发现被丢在巴刹的垃圾场自生自灭,倒在地上奄奄一息 😢 可恨的弃养真的源源不绝! 🤬

(照片往下滑,有小Elsa重生的过程 🙏

照片里看不出,但Elsa其实很小一只,她严重营养不良,大概刚满两个月大,当时远看像只猫在睡觉,近看以为她死了 … 义工本想打包送进园区埋葬,但在微弱的街灯下,发现狗狗尚有一口气息在!

一开始我们以为小Elsa被撞伤了,因为她站不起来,是拖着走的,没想到住院吊水几天,吃饱喝足、恢复体力后,竟然能正常走路了,原来是虚弱脱水到连路也走不了 😭

小Elsa一天天健壮了起来,年纪小小就在园区学会了 Sit 和 Hand 等的基本指令,她不吵不闹,在小狗群里是最乖巧懂事的那个,所以也大受园区姐姐们的喜爱 😁

疼爱她的姐姐时常把她从园区偷渡带回家陪睡 😂 或是驾车带她四处趴趴走 ( 严重偏心

但我们很不希望这乖顺的小女孩就这样在园区长大,甚至终老 …

Elsa需要一个真正的好家和家人,让她的重生有意义。喜欢Elsa的朋友,可以和我们预约时间进入园区看看她、领养她 ❤ 016-770 2014



/ 在园区极度爆满和缺人手的情况下,其实真的很难再收留新的浪浪 … 但我们真的很希望能继续帮助更多的可怜生命。

目前我们采取 【一进一出】的制度,只要领养出一只,园区就能空出一个位子,带进下一只有难的浪浪,希望大家帮忙园区,一起努力推广领养不购买,感恩❤🙏

** ** ** ** **

每一天护生园都在尽力帮助无数的垂危浪浪 … 一起爱心护持,让希望延续


Maybank 5012-0808-5710

Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai



或 成为HOPE每月希望助养人


或 游览HOPE义卖商铺购买小商品,盈利都将帮助毛小孩 🙏



🐶 Adoptable Superstar of the month – little puppy ELSA 🐶 ADOPT, DON’T SHOP 🙏

This is the first time we have seen Elsa’s tragic situation last month. She was found outside the trash room in a Pasar, and she was lying on the ground with only one last breath …

The horibble pet abandonment is really endless! (Slide the photos to see the rebirth of Elsa)

It’s not obvious to see in the photo, but Elsa is actually a very small sized puppy, severely malnourished, and is only about two months old.

At that time, she looked like a cat who was sleeping, and when our volunteer looked close, she thought Elsa was dead and planned to bring her back to the shelter for burial … but under the faint street lighting, we found that the puppy still had a breath!

At first we thought that Elsa was being hit and injured because she couldn’t stand up and dragged her hind legs.

We didn’t expect that after a few days of stay in the vet clinic, she was able to walk normally after she gaind her energy, and it turned out that she was just too weak and dehydrated that she couldn’t even walk.

Little Elsa is getting stronger day by day. She was so young but she learned the basic instructions of Sit and Hand in the shelter.

She is the most tame and gentle one among the puppy group, and so she is loved and pampered by everyone in the shelter.

The volunteer who loved her so much often bring her home to sleep together with her 😂 or drove her around to have some fun.

But we don’t want this obedient little girl to grow up in shelter like this, or even grow old and spend her whole life in shelter …

Elsa needs a real good home to make her rebirth meaningful. Friends who like Elsa, you may make an appointment with us to visit and adopt her ❤ 016-770 2014

Adopt instead of buying, your decision will definitely changes her life 🙏

/ As HOPE shelter is extremely full now, it is really difficult for us to take in new rescue … but we really hope to continue to help more homeless lives.

At present, we implement the system of “one out, and one in”. As long as one rescued dog/cat is adopted, the shelter will have an empty space to bring in the next stray in need. We hope everyone can help us to actively promote the concept of “ADOPT, DON’T SHOP”. ❤🙏

** ** ** ** **

To make each and every rescue possible, your support is truly essential for us in funding the expenses for our rescued furkids. Thanks a million. (Donation is tax deductible)

Maybank Account No.: 5012-0808-5710

Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai

Or Make online donation at our Shopee store: shopee.com.my/hopepetshelter.os

Or Follow the link to be our Monthly Sponsor: https://goo.gl/AJ6BuR

Or Visit our FB Charity Sales Shop, all the sales profit goes to homeless animals:🙏


#HopeAdopt #HopeRescue

Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/280..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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