
Eng Version Below. ?. 100. 20 Tnrm,. _. 3000. 5. 5..


结扎刻不容缓 ! (eng version below)

没结扎是浪浪常被举报的主因之一 : 狗数量太多、卫生问题、发情期打架造成噪音、母狗生了孩子后变凶等等等

很感恩近年来遇到越来越多的爱爸、爱妈主动告诉我们,『我想结扎我家附近的浪浪,该怎么做?』 #记得喂食浪浪的同时要结扎噢!

每一天,新山各地的爱心朋友希望我们帮忙诱捕浪浪去结扎的信息很多、很多,但诱捕不是一次就100%抓得到,有时一个地方要跑好几趟,从半夜抓到早上都有试过 😥

手头我们还有20多个地方的浪浪在等着我们去诱捕结扎 (都是不太亲人的),但我们只有一个女生在外帮忙做TNRM, 实在精疲力尽 … 也一直努力改良诱捕设备

如果你有做诱捕义工的毅力和对浪浪的热血,欢迎私讯我们加入,如果更多人能学到诱捕浪浪的技巧,结扎工作肯定事半功倍,浪浪数量也能控制得更好! 🙏




和独立救援、爱爸爱妈们,携手为浪浪做结扎 ** 目前配合的新山專業私人診所有超過5間,結紥的貓狗一批批帶往 **


浪浪承受的苦,将是毫无尽头的 … 永远救也救不完

每月我们捕捉、结扎 50 – 80只浪浪



♥ 欢迎身体力行,加入做捕捉义工

♥ 每月的结扎 + 医药开销超过马币4万,恳切希望大家一起护持,由衷感谢 (捐款可扣税)

Maybank 5012-0808-5710

Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai

或 成为HOPE每月助养人,长期支援浪浪救助



No delay for lives saving – NEUTERING!

Strays not spayed/neutered is one of the main reasons that they’re often being reported: Too many dogs, hygiene problems, noise caused by fighting during mating season, mother dog became aggressive after giving birth, and etc.

We’re grateful that in recent years, more and more kind Samaritans have taken the initiative to tell us, “I want to neuter the strays near my home. What should I do?”

Every day, there are so many SOS calls and messages from stray caregivers asking us to assist in trapping strays for neutering – TNRM.

The trapping work is not 100% successful at one time, sometimes it takes us several trips in one site, and we even tried before to trap one dog from midnight to morning time.

We still have strays in more than 20 places waiting for us to help to trap (most of them are not friendly), but we only have one girl now to help with the trapping work and she’s so exhausted … and we have been working hard to improve our trapping equipment.

If you have the perseverance to trap the strays and the passion to help homeless animals, you are welcomed to join us and drop us a private message. If more people can learn the skills of trapping the strays, the TNRM work must be more effective. 🙏


In addition to managing the caring for 3,000 furkids every day, we have to raise funds to meet expenses for food, medications and operation.

We still insist to work on independent rescue cases and work with caregivers to sterilize stray furkids to control their population.

**We are now collaborating with more than 5 professional private vet clinics in Johor Bahru. Animals that are awaiting to be neutered or spayed brought there in groups.**

If the over-breeding issue of the stray population is not controlled, the sufferings of the stray furkids will NEVER end ….

Every month we catch and sterilize 50 to 80 stray furkids, among of them we try our best to subsidy independent rescuers with financial difficulty. Only when more people get involved, then there will be greater hope.

If you would like to join us and help in this cause, we welcome you. Our medical expenses are over 40k/month! Your support is truly essential for us in funding the medical expenses for the furkids. Thanks a million (Donation is tax deductible)

Maybank 5012-0808-5710

Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai

Or you can follow the link below to be our Monthly Sponsor


Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/280..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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