Eng Version Below. ?. ?. ?. Stay At Home. Essentia..
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毛孩们都想念大家了 🐶🐱❤
以前除了开放日之外,园区其实几乎每天都会有访客来领养或义工来帮忙,孩子们应该都很奇怪,怎么最近都无人来啦 ~
『它们过得怎么样了? 』
也有好几位好心人到处帮我们打听有没有狗粮供应商能帮忙应急 … 真的谢谢你们 🙏
管制期除了停办很多活动、捐款骤减、领养率变零、没办法结扎太多浪浪之外 (苦笑… 😅),因为很多店没开,园区需要的很多物资我们都要卖力的到处去找,甚至被迫在网上以较高的价格购买 ……
我们也想stay at home … 但动物的命也是命,它们也需要有人来救济
感恩团队里没有人有一丝抱怨,大家冒着风险,每天还是在外奔波,送医浪浪、喂食浪浪,其中一个最近还累得病倒了 😷 ( 别担心! 不是肺炎 )
*园区照护工作属必要性 (essential), 我们出外都有带通行证件*
而在园区里,因为义工们不能再进来帮忙了,人手短缺到不行,平时已经够忙了,现在的工作量却是倍倍倍增的 …
祈祷这最糟的时刻赶快过去 🙏
我们不必再人心惶惶过日子,毛孩们也期待大门可以打开,迎接访客的那一天 🐶🐱❤
/ 想出一份力支援护生园的朋友,方式都写在留言区哟 👇🙏
Our shelter is quiet recently without visitors, all the furkids miss everyone ❤
Except our shelter open day, we had visitors coming in almost everyday before, some came to adopt, and also volunteers came to help. All the furkids should be very surprised now … Why haven’t anyone come recently?
We feel so touched to receive the concern and encouragement of many loving friends, ask us “Are you guys ok?” “Is there enough food in the shelter?” “How are the furkids doing?” “I hope you all can keep going.”
There are also several kind people who help us to find out if there is any dog food supplier who can help with the emergency supply … Thank you sooo much 🙏
The MCO causes the suspension of many of our charity activities, decline of donations, zero adoption rate, and difficulty to neuter the strays *bitter laugh … *
Also because many stores are not open, we need to search high and low for many supplies needed in the shelter, and even forced to buy online at a higher price …
Whenever there are cats and dogs in vet clinic that are in critical condition and need blood transfusion, once the doctor called, we still had to help to send out our shelter dogs to donate blood.
We wish to stay at home too … but animals are also lives, they also need someone to help them.
Grateful that no one in the team complained. Everyone took the risk and work hard every day by sending the ill animals to clinic for treatment and feeding the strays. One of our team member was too exhausted and even fall sick recently … (No worries, it’s not Covid-19)
*Shelter work is essential, we bring along necessary documents when we go out*
In the shelter, because volunteers can no longer come in to help, there is a very serious shortage of manpower, and now the workload is doubled up …
We’re busy with the work of cleaning, feeding, and supervising the health of the furkids. Recently, the weather has been hot and rainy, and the furkids with weak immune system fall sick easily.
After finishing the work in the shelter, we took the food with us and fed the hungry strays along the way.
Under no circumstances should owners give up their pets. Similarly, no matter what the circumstances, we will persist for more than 3,000 lives in this no-kill shelter.
And it’s your loving help and support that keeps us going, we sincerely thank each and every donor, monthly sponsor and supporter, for not giving up the homeless animals at this tough time.
Pray for the worst moment to end 🙏 And the furkids are looking forward to the day where we can open our door and welcome the visitors 🐶🐱❤
/ If you’re willing to stretch out a helping hand to HOPE shelter, kindly refer to the ways in comment section, tq 👇🙏
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.156371867742360/288..
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