The Rescue And Rehoming Of 2 Kittens (Marcus Wong’s)
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Yesterday, I received an urgent email from Marcus Wong. Marcus had been taking care of two kittens, already neutered and vaccinated too. They were community kittens in his neighbourhood. There are only eight community cats in his area and the gardener helps to take care of them. He even told the residents that two are his cats, to protect them.
Sadly, neighbours complained that cats sit on the bonnet of their cars, so they threatened to call the council.
Marcus needed to rehome the kittens urgently.
This was Marcus’ email to me:
Hi Dr Chan,
So I made a few phonecalls and thankfully, CK Shelter said they would be able to take Momo and Hoko in. So I contacted Marcus and it was decided that Marcus would try to catch the two kittens today and send them to the caretaker’s home.
This morning, Marcus managed to catch Momo (the tux) and put him into a carrier. Hoko did not turn up. We decided that it’s best to send Momo first to ensure he is safe. After all, we do not know when the council would turn up. So, let’s not take any risks.
But as luck would have it, as Marcus was driving out, Hoko turned up!! So Marcus scooped up Hoko, put him into the car and away they drove to the caretaker’s house.
Here are some pictures of Hoko and Momo on their way to safety!
Hoko and Momo are now safely in the caretaker’s home!!
Kudos to Marcus and his wife for acting speedily to ensure Hoko and Momo’s safety. When the council comes, there is no good ending for any animal. When there is such a threat, we must always do our best to ensure the safety of our community animals.
Awareness and compassion are still very lacking in our society. Hoko and Momo are neutered cats, also vaccinated and cared for daily by Marcus, and yet, people complained.
As for the other cats in the neighbourhood, Marcus will try his best with some of the cat-sympathetic neighbours to ensure their safety.
We would also like to thank CK Shelter for responding to our call for help. Thank you so much.
Marcus has generously given a donation to our Fund and we will use 100% of this donation to purchase petfood for CK Shelter in the next round.
Thank you, Mr Marcus Wong, Mrs Wong and CK Shelter!
Have a great life, Hoko and Momo!
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