"Our Consumption Pattern And Consumerist Culture" At Sembang@2020
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🎤 Ms Syarifah Syaza Hanaa’ from Idrissi International School is set to speak about “Our Consumption Pattern and Consumerist Culture” in Sembang@2020 this year. However, due to the unforeseen circumstances that have affected the entire world, we are hopeful to hold the event in June 2020 in conjunction with World Environment Day.
We are deeply saddened by the loss of lives from the COVID-19 outbreak and our thoughts are with the families who have lost loved ones or who are sick. Stay in, stay safe everyone.
Visit Education for Sustainable Development Malaysia to check out other Sembang@WWF speakers.
#wwfmyesd #wwfmalaysia #climatechange #sustainable #sustainabledevelopment #youthempowerment #savetheplanet #sembangWWF #NewDealForNatureAndPeople
Source: https://www.facebook.com/wwfmy/videos/2878275795588300/
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