Dear Dr,
Enclosed herewith the photos of Blueys during these long weekend. Failed to upload them to FB, no idea why.
Anyway, they have been doing really well. They have really grow. Eating lots and lots. They finished up the 1.5 kg Feline Caviar in 2 weeks ( or less than that!!). And Emily has been feeding the canned food too. I am getting them the 14lbs bag size now. Cant imagine when they grow older. No problems during the transition from RC to FC. The stools is solid and doing their business everyday.
Still as active as ever and could not let them out too long during the day in the office as they have been distracting everyone. Jumping up and down, from table to table, chair to chair and pc to pc …… followed by fallen papers, trays and even files!! But is a stress release moment , i must admit. I will go to them or release them when i am tired of works.
During the long weekend, as usual brought them home. They have become good playing mates to Lucas. Lucas chasing them from one corner to the others and Blueys seems enjoying to be chased. I know they tease Lucas purposely. They have no fear to Lucas now and have been roaming all over my house. But i always close all doors and windows before releasing them. Lucas also enjoy eating the cat food. Every time he had a chance rushing into their room ( toilet) he will sapu all their food first. Looks like FC is better taste than CC. LOL
They had their 3rd injection today and we also enquire about spaying with the Vet and come to know the cost is about 200 per cat with one night boarding. Is this a reasonable rate?
(Yes, absolutely reasonable!)