During This Unprecedented Crisis, We Are All Searc..
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During this unprecedented crisis, we are all searching for reliable news sources to find out the latest happenings around the world. News that is reliable to drown out the online noise.
As pet owners and animal lovers, you might also be concerned about how your pet’s health might be affected by COVID-19.
We wanted to share our preferred go-to experts who provide scientifically founded information, when it comes to animal diseases and welfare.
✔️World Health Organisation @WorldHealthOrganization
✔️World Small Animal Veterinary Association @wsava_vets
✔️World Organisation For Animal Health
Whilst some of their content maybe aimed at veterinary professionals, they currently provide information directly related to COVID-19 which you might find useful.
Our pets are part of our family and it is important we look after them and care for them in a way that does not hinder their welfare. Especially during these difficult times.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/SoiDogPageInEnglish/photos/a.137025..
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