The Guardians Of The Forest : Episode 2 (bm)
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In the Belum-Temengor Forest Complex, the indigenous Temiar and Jahai communities have coexisted harmoniously with wildlife for generations. Just as wildlife depend on the forest for survival, the Orang Asli depend on the forest’s resources to maintain their traditional way of life.
Meet Mak Ahan as she reflects on the way of life in the forest and how the decrease in tiger numbers has created an imbalance in the ecosystem in the second episode of The Guardians of the Forest.
The presence of tigers is crucial for a healthy forest ecosystem and for the Orang Asli to live in harmony with Nature.
Support our ongoing efforts by making a donation for tiger conservation at
Video © WWF-Malaysia
#wwfmy #conservation #indigenouspeople #orangasli #tigerconservation
Belum-Temengor Forest Complex is home to the Malayan tiger. It is also home to the indigenous Temiar and Jahai communities. How do women from these communiti…
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