What Indy Did
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Indy, as you know, has dual citizenship in the house. He spends most of his time at Bunny’s Place, but he gets the privilege of eating with the Kitchen Cats and coming out to the patio to play once in a while.
Lately, Indy has devised a method for him to keep a lookout of the patio and beyond Stargate2 from the comfort of his chair.
Take a look…
He has been doing this every day for the past week.
See this chair that Indy is sitting on now? It’s not placed in front of Stargate. It’s placed along the wall together with the other two chairs, but he will push the chair to where it is now so that he gets a good view of the patio and Stargate2!
Cute, right?
Sometimes, he pushes too hard and the whole chair tumbles down onto the grass!
Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2020/03/14/what-indy-did/
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