
Betsy’s Rescue (Days 1 & 2)


An update on 13th Jan 2020: Betsy is now adopted by Connie and Connie will cover all her medical expenses including the 3rd eyelid flap surgery. This is now no longer a one-off special project for us. 

It was early yesterday morning that our long-time volunteer, Connie, told me about a Shih Tzu. The summary of the story is this: The Shih Tzu was rescued by a good samaritan, brought to the clinic a week ago. The clinic knows the owner. Eye surgery was needed. The clinic called owner to inform her. Yesterday, owner informed the clinic that she doesn’t want the dog anymore. So, the clinic mentioned to Connie and Connie alerted me.

Since we have reserve funds, we decided to help this Shih Tzu.  This is a one-off special project.

Please note that we do not do rescues because we do not have a shelter to place the animals, but in this case, Connie is our long-time volunteer and a friend whom I can place 100% trust onto, and she offered to foster the dog during recovery.

All I needed to do was to find an adopter whom I can, again, trust 100%. Once that’s done, we can take on the case.

So I texted a few friends and Mun Mun (of Mun Mun Furry Sanctuary) offered to adopt the Shih Tzu. This is despite knowing that the eye is likely to be removed. Mun Mun says he also has 2 blind dogs and few more smalls dogs who sleep in his bedroom with him.

Thank you very much, Connie and Mun Mun!

This morning, I confirmed with the vet that the owner does not want the dog anymore after which I informed the vet that Mun Mun will adopt the dog, Connie will foster until full recovery while AnimalCare will pay for the eye surgery, spaying (if not already spayed) and medication.

The eye “surgery” was done this morning and instead of removing the entire right eye, the vet decided to do a 3rd eyelid flap with the hope of saving the eye.

The dog is back in Connie’s house now and will go for a check-up in two weeks. Connie has named her Betsy. Betsy is estimated to be about 2-3 years old. She definitely would not have been able to survive out on the street with a bad eye.

Here are Betsy’s photos at Connie’s house with one photo of her during today’s surgery.

Right after the surgery.

During the surgery.

In Connie’s house, after being discharged.

She is happily running around the house and making friends with Connie’s other dogs.

Taking a nap after playing.

Eating Primal Freeze-Dried!

Get well soon, Betsy!!  You will have a good and comfortable life now!


P.S. Cow had the 3rd eyelid flap done on him before, a few years back. His eye was badly scratched during a fight with….Indy, our sharp-shooter!

About the 3rd eyelid flap surgery:

THIRD EYELID FLAP: This is sometimes called a “nictitans flap.” Pets have an extra eyelid that lies inside the other two lids and is attached to the inside corner of the eye. … In this procedure, the third eyelid is pulled up over the eyeball and sutured to the skin just above the outer corner of the eye.

From what I remember in Cow’s case, it is so that the nutrients from the 3rd eyelid flap can heal the injury in the eye.

In Cow’s case, it worked, but only for awhile because there was actually another deeper injury inside the eye (undetected earlier). So the problem surfaced again, and another surgery (with a “scratching” technique – quite experimental, actually) was done later and that worked – Cow’s eye was as good as new after that!  In a matter of days, too, without the need of the e-collar!  But that was Cow’s case.

Every case is different and unique.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2020/01/11/betsys-rescue-days-1-2/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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