
Meat Broth For Our Cats, CKD And “enough” Water Intake


I’ve been writing quite a bit about the benefits of bone broth and at least two other friend’s pets have also benefited from it.

Recently, I found out that bone broth is not recommended for humans with chronic kidney failure so this should apply to cats and dogs too.

It says so here as well: https://www.foodfurlife.com/my-cat-has-diarrhea—what-do-i-do.html#/

CAUTION: If your cat has Chronic Kidney Disease, bone broth is not appropriate, it has too many minerals and is not healthy for your kitty. The plain, “meat broth” is just fine for your CKD cat, and she can drink as much as she likes.

So, I made “meat broth” today….and everyone drank it!

Here’s an article about the importance of ENOUGH water for cats: https://www.foodfurlife.com/water—the-essential-nutrient.html#/

By nature, cats already do not drink “enough” water. This can probably be traced to their ancestral roots, having purportedly come from ancient Persia where it’s all desert land. This is also one of the reasons why wet food is preferred over dry food. Cats need the moisture, if not from drinking water, then at least from their food.

Chronic kidney disease is the number one cause of death in cats over 5 years of age,  and was the number one reason for visits to the vet by cats in 2015. Although the role of hydration in the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) has been downplayed or misunderstood, current research indicates that even mild dehydration is a risk factor in the progression of all types of chronic kidney diseases. In fact, there is also evidence that increasing hydration may actually have a role in preventing CKD. Importantly, water consumption also has been shown to have an impact on bladder and urinary stone diseases, mitral valve prolapse, and cancers of the breast, colon and urinary tract.

The need for cats to consume plenty of water cannot be emphasized enough, and their need for water is often overlooked – or understated. Because there is no industry emphasis on the importance of water as a vital nutrient, there is often a lack of understanding of just how much water our cats need – and why.

It is well known that our pet cats were originally desert animals. They rarely drank water and historically ate a fresh food diet of prey that had a 70% – 80% moisture content. Our cats did not evolve a “thirst drive” similar to that of humans or dogs: from an evolutionary standpoint they derived almost all they water they needed from their diet. In a dehydrated state, dogs will consume enough water to replace 6% of their body weight in an hour vs. the 24 hours it takes for dehydrated cats.

The main question is: Is your cat drinking ENOUGH water?

Another article: https://www.foodfurlife.com/blog–news/15-tips-to-increase-your-kittys-water-drinking#/

So, anyway, it’s great that everyone liked today’s meat broth.

Heidi drank first.


Ms Poldrey Hepburn

Bunny Bun Buns


Her Royal Highness, Queen Cleo Patra

Second helpings

Pole had three helpings, which is really good because it’s Pole and Cleo who are slightly dehydrated. Bunny is actually fine (pinch test – ok).

Ginger aka Mr Kiasu aka “Singapore Cat”

Heidi’s second helping

Ginger asking for more.

Tabs was the only one who wasn’t quite interested.

Bunny loves it!!

I made 6 tubs, which I will freeze and defrost when needed.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2020/01/10/meat-broth-for-our-cats-..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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