
Bukit Piton Forest Reserve After 10 Years Of Hard ..


WWF-Malaysia’s Forest Restoration Team have been hard at work at Bukit Piton for over 10 years, replanting trees at what was once a degraded area in order to ensure that the orangutans there won’t die out – a fate that would have been inevitable had they been left alone.

Today, with 2,400 hectares restored, the future is looking bright for the orangutans at Bukit Piton.

This video celebrates the 10 years of work that the team has done on the ground. It also represents what humans can achieve if we are serious about protecting nature.

#STCP #conservation #orangutan #forest #restoration

Source: https://www.facebook.com/wwfmy/videos/576778423099395/



WWF Malaysia

WWF-Malaysia is a national conservation trust that currently runs conversation projects covering a diverse range of environmental protection & nature conservation in Malaysia. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

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