
WHO Is Pooping At Indy’s Spot?


This morning, I found four very well-formed and totally normal-looking stools between Cleo’s and Indy’s poop-spots in the sandpit. It was actually closer to Indy’s spot.

Not wanting to get my hopes up high and be fooled again, I decided to classify it as “unknown” instead of attributing it to Indy. I didn’t even take a photograph of it.

Indy has been known to poop in other spots over the last few weeks, but it was easy to identify that those were his because they would be pasty, runny, soft or/and blood-tinged.

So, on my official records, we did not find any Indy-poop today.

As of 9.18am (now), no Indy-poop has been found. The last was yesterday, at 12.20pm (one piece, soft, no blood).

So, WHO is the mystery pooper who pooped in between Indy’s and Cleo’s spots?

Was it yours, Indy? I wish it was…

It cannot be Bunny’s because Bunny has a spot on the grass. I know exactly where it is and Bunny’s poop is bigger.

That narrows it down to Pole, Cleo or Cow.

Pole almost never goes to the sandpit. She does it in the middle of the garden but lately, I haven’t been able to find any of her poo. I think it is so small and disintegrates quite fast to merge with the soil.

Is it yours, Cleo? It sure looks like Cleo’s, from the size of it. But I normally will only scoop two of Cleo’s. Why were there four of them today?

The plot thickens…

Was it yours, Cow?

And who pooped on the doormat in the room yesterday? It was almost as though it was done to show it to me.

Cleo or Cow’s – that’s the big mystery question now.

Or Indy’s???

We shall wait until this afternoon for more clues.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2019/11/04/who-is-pooping-at-indys-..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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