Photos From Soi Dog Foundation's Post
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Barlaro is a broken soul. His wide eyes tell a story of unimaginable pain and suffering. Exhausted and starving with no hope, he had accepted his fate and laid lifeless on the ground. Please pledge a small monthly gift now that will be the difference between life and death for these desperate animals >>>
Exactly how this wound was caused will be a secret Barlaro will always keep with him. The veterinary staff believe he may have been caught in an animal trap, and once he realised he would slowly starve to death with nobody to help him, he desperately tugged and tugged at the trap until his paw was free. This took all of his flesh and muscle with it. It is hard to believe he is still alive!
In a desperate attempt to find safety Barlaro used the wounded leg to run away, traipsing it across the muddy floor collecting soil, rope and barbed wire around the protruding bones, just adding more and more pain. Please help these animals who have nobody else. Just click this link >>
The leg was dangerously infected and infested with maggots so he was taken in for surgery as soon as he was strong enough to have it amputated. He is now safe, and learning to adjust to a new life with 3 legs. Barlaro was very lucky, but so many others many not be without you.
A small monthly gift from you will make a world of difference to so many. It will mean more animals being rescued, more dogs and cats being spayed and neutered, more getting a chance at a loving home. Your help is desperately needed to make this a reality. Please go now to and pledge a few dollars a week to end the suffering.
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