
It’s Pole’s Turn To Be Demanding….after 13 Years!


Throughout the last 13 years, Pole had always kept a very low profile. She never gave anyone any problems. She never picked fights with anyone. She just kept to herself and minded her own business.

Back in the old neighbourhood when all our cats were CNRM-cats, Pole made friends with a neighbour’s dog and spent a lot of time in the dog’s compound.

Then, we moved here and had to confine all of them for fear they might try to run back to the old neighbourhood, so Pole adjusted to this new life and again, minded her own business. She had her condo, which she loved and even shared her shelves (“floors”) with Cleo and Indy.

For the last one week though, Pole started a new habit – making noise, which we now know is attention-seeking. She would stand at the grille in Bunny’s Room and make persistent and loud mewing noises. We thought she just wanted to come out, so we would let her out, but she would continue making loud mewing noises while exploring the whole house. This would go on for as long as half an hour, non-stop. Upstairs, downstairs, she goes, and mews non-stop.

When we put her back, she would repeat the whole process again – stand at the grille and mew, then come out and mew some more.

So, letting her out doesn’t stop her from mewing.

She is certainly not in any kind of pain and has been eating very well lately. Her diet is mostly Cubgrub, a bit of canned food (leftovers from others) and kibble as a snack.

She just wants attention.

The only way to stop her from mewing is to come into the room and stay with her.

She does this in the mornings and evenings, sometimes lasting until midnight. There will be several mewing sessions in a day.

Here she is now, taking a long afternoon nap…recharging herself before another mewing session this evening.

All quiet now….until Pole wakes up.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2019/09/02/its-poles-turn-to-be-dem..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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