PetGPT AI Writer




It must be something to be able free and without restrictions of their once-upon-a-time enclosures.

Being on the IUCN Redlist and classified as endangered, Barni the Malaysian giant turtle, carries on with life; no expected privileges, no grudges held– always moving onward and acting upon his natural instincts that have always been ingrained in him, sharpened during his rehabilitation at the ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre. Maybe there’ll be familiar scents, sounds and tastes. And maybe, he’ll find a mate and play his role to increase his species population.

Listed as a vulnerable species, Queen B the giant Asian pond turtle, is now back in the wild, bigger, tougher and wiser than ever before. If we could just have a sliver of her thoughts, we might learn more about determination and endurance; respecting wild animals as they originally are and what they do for the ecosystem. But then, you wouldn’t need us to speak up for you and the other animals we work to rescue and protect.

There will always be that one who finds positivity in the wildlife pet trade. But no one can deny the fact that a sentient being deserves their right to be protected and to be able to eat when they want, what they want; sleep and move where they want, when they want; more importantly regulate their body temperatures in however way they need.

For the rest of us, thank you for your support you gave in speaking up against the illegal wildlife trade, and to the meticulous team of Perhilitan, Department of Wildlife and National Park, State of Johor, for protecting the unheard voices.

As we continue to care for other endangered wild species rescued from the illegal wildlife trade, please consider making a donation to our rehabilitation efforts: http://give.asia/acreswildliferescue

#MalaysianGiantTurtle #Endangered #GiantAsianPondTurtle #AcresRepatriation #KeepThemWild

Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/videos/2106773076285465/




ACRES (Animal Concerns Research & Education Society) is a pioneering Singapore-based charity and Institution of Public Character, founded by Singaporeans in 2001 with the aim of promoting animal welfare.

ACRES has six focus areas: Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, Wildlife Crime Investigation, Zoo Animal Welfare, Humane Education, Community Outreach and Promoting Cruelty-Free Living.

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