Sweet, Friendly Bel Needs A Home She Was One Month..
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Sweet, friendly Bel needs a home! She was one month old when we rescued her. She suffered two deep open wounds on both sides of her ears, possibly due to a severe ear infection or bites from another animal.
We couldn’t locate her mother. Both wounds had to be cleaned daily while Bel was bottle-fed with milk replacement. But after round-the-clock nursing, she made a full recovery and is now her playful self.
Remember, pets are for life. If you’re committed to taking good care of one, visit SPCA at 50 Sungei Tengah road. Shelter opening hours: 11.00am to 4.00pm daily, closed on Thursdays except PHs | Adoption gallery: bit.ly/gallerySPCA | Adoption requirements: bit.ly/adoptSPCA”
Source: https://www.facebook.com/spcasingapore/photos/a.101568111935..
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