As you know, we have been feeding the abandoned dogs in the Kuchai Lama house for more than a week now.
This afternoon, we finally managed to contact the owner of the dogs, and he most willingly agreed to surrender the dogs to PAWS. This was also expedited by the fact that someone had contacted DBKL and DBKL had given the owner a warning where he would have to surrender his dogs to a shelter failing which DBKL will capture the dogs (and euthanise). The deadline was this afternoon.
So, we had to work really fast. We could only hope DBKL had not reached the house before us.
At 1pm, Ainey, Mandy and I drove to Kuchai Lama, with the help of one of our volunteers who guided us to the house. Our male volunteers were all not free during that time, so it was just us three ladies.
When we reached the house, there were 7 dogs in the compound. Gosh, what a relief…the dogs were still safe.
I went into the house and fed the dogs. They were VERY hungry and VERY thirsty.
We latched the gate (it was left wide open when we reached there) to keep the dogs in while awaiting PAWS’ van to arrive. There were also many gaps and holes all along the fence, so it was quite impossible to block off all the exits. You can see all seven of them in the photo above.
These were all the photos I could take because after this, we were busy trying to catch the dogs. We also got very dirty – read on, and you’ll know why.
The dogs were very friendly and approachable when I went in to feed them, but the moment the van arrived, they sensed “danger”.
I suggested that the PAWS workers do not use the loop yet as that would make the dogs aggressive, so Ainey, Mandy and I took the leashes from PAWS and went in, but even that was a big mistake. The dogs started running all over when they saw the leashes.
So, I quickly put those away and went in empty-handed.
But the dogs were already frightened and they did not trust us anymore.
After quite some time, I only managed to talk to one dog and carry her out, but that was also after we cornered her at the back of the house. She snarled a little, but after I patted her, she let me carry her out.
That was all we managed to catch. After running around (like playing “catch”), we thought we had no choice but ask PAWS’ workers to use the loop.
Luckily, a neighbour quickly contacted the owner (who lived nearby), so he came, walking leisurely. He said he would come as long as we were not from DBKL as he was afraid of being fined.
We told him to catch the dogs since he was familiar with them. He wanted to use the loop, but we told him not to.
So he cornered the dogs one by one, and managed to catch them by the scruff of the neck. We quickly took over and carried the poor dogs out. Well, this was better than using the dreadful loop. The dogs were quite frightened so they pee-ed and poo-ed on us. The neighbours, who by now had gathered to watch, said it was “blessings” from the dogs. Oh well…
After a short while, with the owner’s ”help”, we managed to take all the dogs out. All seven of them. It started raining, and we had to go.
The owner thanked us, and walked back leisurely to his new house.
So, that was that.
The dogs were brought back to PAWS, and are now safe.
The Kuchai Lama story ends here.
But our work for the day had just started….read on, please.
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