ACRES to RWS: Set the record straight I refer to the letter "Dolphins bound for Singapore park not endangered" (Inquirer11/22/11). Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) states it believes in "controlled collection of particular species" and that it complied with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). However, can RWS clarify if it conducted proper scientific studies into the status of the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins in the Solomon Islands prior to their capture? Can RWS scientifically state that its capture of the 27 dolphins was not detrimental to the survival of this species in the Solomon Islands? Lastly, does RWS agree with the statement that the preference for Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins as a captive display species "makes them vulnerable to depletion from such catches"? Due to the lack of scientific data, the world conservation union IUCN urged CITES parties in 2007 to not issue import permits for dolphins captured in the Solomon Islands ( The National Museum and The Silliman University (the Philippines CITES Scientific Authorities for marine and aquatic species) similarly opposed the import of the RWS wild-caught dolphins into the Philippines. The National Museum stated “The National Museum…firmly opposes this illicit activity. This must not be tolerated”. The Silliman University stated (referring to the RWS dolphins importation) “the importation should not have been allowed. The Non-Detrimental Finding (NDF) is not credible… the Philippines by allowing these importations under the cover of a non-credible NDF may well be participating in the unsustainable exploitation of a marine mammal, something at odds with our national policy (under law) of protecting marine mammals”. The importion of the dolphins into the Philippines should never have been allowed in accordance with Section 6 of the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act or RA 9147. The reality is that the import took place without the "proper evaluation of best available information or scientific data showing that the activity is, or for a purpose, not detrimental to the survival of the species or subspecies involved and/or their habitat..." ACRES hopes that the Philippines government rights this wrong and repatriates these dolphins back to the Solomon Islands where we can rehabilitate and release them back into the wild. We should note that the Solomon Islands government has already passed a new policy to ban the export of live dolphins, beginning January next year. ACRES wholeheartedly supports the establishment of the Marine Life Park, but we hope that RWS opens a park that focuses on ethical acquisition of animals, the keeping of animals that can cope with captivity and a park that focuses on proper, in-situ conservation efforts. Louis Ng (MSc) Executive Director ACRES 91 Jalan Lekar Singapore 698917 (O): +65 6892 9821 (F): +65 6892 9721 
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