Rama, a lucky dog rescued from the floods, one of the many dogs at Soi Dog's shelter who you can sponsor...
Rama is a survivor of the Bangkok Flood Disaster. Soi Dog volunteers returning from a rescue mission happened to spot Rama in the traffic.
She was terrified, dragging her back legs & seconds away from being killed by a passing car. Soi Dog decided to fly Rama to Phuket as she's an old dog (approx 11 years old) who's had a very hard life.
Poor Rama was severely malnourished, suffering eye & skin infections, anemia, arthiritis & was so weak she could barely stand.
Joining Soi Dog's sponsors club is one of the MOST effective ways you can help all the neglected and abused animals in Soi Dog's care. A sponsorship is less than a dollar a day and provides vital and predictable funding for the on going work of helping the animals.