Chewie surprised both the vets when she made a lot of noise this evening - she was demanding for food!!
Eating is always a very good sign of recovery after surgery. The vets had not expected her to eat yet, but she did!
When I reached there, she was just finishing her meal of AD and what an appetite!!
Yum, yum! Can I have more, please?
Nope, sorry, you can't eat too much yet.
(Your stomach's just gone back to its proper place!) Hey you, spunky little girl!
CP was already there to do the healing....
CP is very camera-shy.
There is nothing mystical or supernatural about this form of energy healing. It's just drawing the universal energy from the cosmos to heal. What does it take to become a healer? I was told one's chakras must be open and one must be sincere and loving. CP and her husband, Lim, does a lot of healing (they call it "adjustment") for cancer patients. Now, CP helps with our animal cases. Thank you, CP.
Chewie is in some pain, but our vet said it cannot be very bad because she can still eat, and eat she did, so he prefers not to give her painkillers.
She shuffled a lot in the cage, so we finally put her on the hot water bottle and she was quiet after that, but not for long...
Soon, her rescuer, Herliyati Christine and all her friends, and Chewie's adopter, Lina, arrived.
This is Lina.
Lina says she has often thought about looking after a disabled kitten (now, isn't that sweet?) so she doesn't mind if Chewie's leg needs to be amputated later on.
Christine and her friends. Isn't Chewie lucky?
Angie told me something remarkable too.
Apparently, when they saw Chewie's X-Ray, they were quite undecided on whether to proceed with the surgery or have her put down, so Angie spoke to Chewie, thus:
1. Do you want to have the surgery? Chewie meowed. 2. You won't let us down, right? You'll survive the surgery? Chewie meowed. 3. Do you want to be put down? Chewie did NOT meow.
So, Chewie made the decision for herself. I want to live, she said. Please give me a chance. I'll fight to live on.
And fight she sure did. The vets are amazed at her recovery and fighting spirit. What a feisty kitten, they said.
Sit still, Chewie, we're trying to heal you.
(Or, maybe she doesn't need it?)
Everybody benefits from the cosmos, Chewie.
There is always loving energy from the cosmos.
We left as the clinic closed.
You rest and get well now, Chewie, and don't be naughty, please.
And oh, the e-collar was necessary only because Chewie bit the drip tube twice!
The vet said Chewie can be discharged tomorrow!
Would you believe that?
Amazing, isn't it?
I want to give thanks to all of Chewie's guardian angels, seen and unseen.
Thank you!
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