Have you ever wonder how is the condition like for most of the illegal puppy mill? 您是否有深思过大多数宠物店里的小狗狗们从何而来? 又是否想过大多数非法动物繁殖场里的真实情况是怎么样的?
Dogs here are confined in small cages and forced to breed at unhealthy rates, having several litters per year, which is extremely dangerous and cruel. The new borne are weaned from their mothers way too soon. Little attention is paid to the hygienic and veterinary care and genetic diseases due to inbreeding. In addition, most old dogs are simply abandoned when they no longer can be mass-producing machines. Breeders are reaping huge profit by using these animals to breed and meet the demand of public who only seek for pedigree dogs.
It is time to make a stand. Put a stop to this abuse in the name of profit. STOP THE BUYING, STOP THE BREEDING!