
Our Super Tahan Lasak Cow Mau


Cow had supper just now and I’m so glad his appetite is good despite the extraction and 3 stitches.

Our truly super tahan lasak Cow Mau!

So much has happened in these few days and I’ll need some time to consolidate everything so that we know how to go forward from here.

Let me just summarise the important things here:

Cow Mau – FIV+ but no kidney issues at the moment. Bad teeth extracted, scaling done, has the cleanest teeth in the clan now!

Bunny – known FIV+. Has early kidney issues. Needs regular twice-weekly subcut. Need to monitor if he gets constipated again. Check hydration on a daily basis. Kidney diet needed. Need to bring down the kidney readings before scaling and extraction of teeth can be done at a later date. Bunny has a tooth with a hole in it, and this needs to be extracted. Needs to repeat the SDMA and kidney readings after 1-2 months.

Indy – not FIV+. Has borderline early kidney issues (but only borderline). Creatinine is high but there’s hope of bringing it down. Have to get his diarrhoea under control first. Best to be on kidney diet too. Scaling is badly needed due to massive tartar and inflammation of gums, but this cannot be done until his creatinine level goes down. Need to repeat the SDMA and kidney readings as well. Needs Revolution for fur mites.  Diet for diarrhoea – ID. Prescribed probiotics to be finished.

Between Indy and Bunny, Bunny’s kidney disease is slightly more advanced than Indy’s but both are at an early stage. For early stage, it’s diet and hydration to manage.

I asked the vet today and she said since all our cats are at a geriatric age (seniors), they can all be on a renal diet. Now, I’ll have to do research to find out which renal diet is best for them. As far as I know, it’s moderate but high quality protein, low salt and low phosphorus. But I’ll need to find out more.

Things to do next: Take Pole (13yr), Cleo (12yr), Tabs (8yr), Heidi (age unknown) and Ginger (8yr) for a full check-up.

LOTS to do…..

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2019/03/27/our-super-tahan-lasak-co..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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