
The Worst Is Apathy


I was reading something someone wrote about Trump recently. This author says, for every hate tweet that he sends out, let’s turn it into a force for good.

Imagine if, for every Trump tweet, millions of people around the world gave a few pennies each. When he calls women ‘dogs’, we’d fund the fight for women’s rights. When he denies climate change, we’d power the defence of our planet. And when he lies, we’d fund fact-checkers and promote the truth.

This could supercharge the battle against Trumpism and far-right hate everywhere!

Why don’t we go the same for street animals? For every disagreement from a non-animal-loving person that street animals deserve to live safely where they were born, for every animal-hating directive from the authorities and politicians, we do MORE to help the animals.

That is actually what we have been doing all this while. For example, when a certain politician declared he was going to make certain areas in Perak “zero-stray”, we offered our anti-rabies vaccination with immediate effect.

Let good triumph over evil. Instead of lamenting over the helplessness of the current situation, instead of saying, “It’s all useless, I’m giving up” – DON’T.  Please don’t. If you give up, WHO is going to help the animals then? We are already a minority. We are already small enough as it is.

Do not give up. NEVER give up helping the animals.  



Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2019/03/19/the-worst/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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