
Vincent, Back From The Vet’s


I rushed back from work today, did Vincent’s subcut and off we went to the vet’s. I requested for a housecall, but the vet was packed today.

I drove slowly so that Vincent would be as comfortable as possible. He seemed okay in the car and was sitting on his tummy. A side story: I have a major car motion sickness problem. If anyone else drives me, I get car sick very easily. So when I drive any pet, I try my best to drive slowly, especially when making turns, over humps, on uneven road and especially when braking, just in case any pet might have car sickness (like me) and is not able to tell me.

We made it to the vet’s but there was no parking. Oh no. I had to park quite far away and I carried the carrier as carefully as I could for minimum bumping. We made it!

The vet checked Vincent and agreed that his hydration is much better today. However, I learnt today that the longest the nasogastric tube can be in is about 1.5 weeks after which it would have to be removed because it might harden and cause discomfort in the nasal cavity. The vet asked if we want to remove it today. But we cannot, because Vincent is still not able to eat on his own. If we remove it and he doesn’t eat, he will starve again.

It’s a case of being between the devil and the deep blue sea, I’d rather he has food in his stomach because food is important for nutrition, energy and warmth. And Vincent is easy to feed through the tube. The tube also does not seem to disturb him much (or is he just being a brave soldier, I don’t know).

But I did wonder if the presence of the tube is preventing him from eating on his own. This is a question I have no answer to.

Since the vet is so far away, I cannot risk having the tube taken off “just to try”, and if Vincent doesn’t eat, to have the tube inserted back.

No, that’s too big a risk. We decided to keep the tube there for a few more days. At least I am able to feed him this way and he will not be hungry.

The vet said I could increase the amount to 45ml or 50ml per feed, which I’ve already done this morning.

Vincent also seems heavier now that he has 3 full meals per day. He is still thin but at least he isn’t emaciated.

The IV-pod was removed and indeed, the paw was already swollen due to the constriction. I hope the removal of the IV-pod will make Vincent more comfortable now.

I drove the car around and the vet assistant brought Vincent into the car. We drove home…slowly.

I had previously thought perhaps I could have taken Vincent to a clinic in Subang Jaya to get the IV-pod removed. That “might” have saved some time, but then again, the waiting time at most clinics in SJ is always very long. Moreover, I did want his vet to check on his hydration too.

Our round trip took about 1 hour 15 mins. By the way, I don’t drive the Kelisa anymore now. I changed to a Jazz in December just so that I can drive the cats around more comfortably. It’s also safer than the Kelisa when making the trip to PJ and back. I actually got the car in a hurry so that I could drive Vincent to the vet’s and back, safely and more comfortably.

I’m so relieved we managed to do this today. I was so hoping the vet could make a housecall, but she could not.

We came home and Vincent was so comfortable in the carrier, he did not even want to come out. I had to carry him out as he had urinated in the carrier on the way home. Luckily I had placed newspapers onto the carrier.

Any urine from Vincent is ALWAYS very good news.

We got home, settled him down. I bought a new soft e-collar too so that I can change and wash the previous one. I quickly sewed the plastic onto the collar so that he could later wear this new one. The soft e-collar is good as Vincent can use it as a pillow for his head when he sleeps.

Then, I fed him through the tube. 45ml this time. We will slowly increase it to 50ml tonight. During feeding time, it’s off-collar. When I sit with him, I also take the collar off. But he doesn’t seem to mind the collar, really. Maybe because it’s soft.

Vincent is sound asleep now, and snoring too.

It’s good that he can sleep restfully,

My next task is to try and coax Vincent to eat again. Just now, I offered various kinds of food, but he wasn’t interested. Maybe later. Or tomorrow.

The vet said he should be able to eat on his own “soon”. There is already less drooling now, which means his mouth should feel better already.

Maybe he has a fear (phobia) of eating due to the earlier force-feeding?  I did rub some of the liquid food on his teeth and he was okay with that.  The Convalescence Support (from Royal Canin) is supposed to be very palatable. If only Vincent is willing to lick it, it might kick start his courage to eat again?

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2019/03/04/vincent-back-from-the-ve..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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