Bangkok Floods – Dogs on Dog Island - THE NEXT FEW DAYS PLAN OF ACTION
Following the Negative test result for Distemper of the sick dogs sent to a Bangkok vets, the decision has been made to remove all the dogs and transfer them to the WFFT shelter outside of Bangkok.
WFFT will provide the trucks, boats and build the additional required shelter. Soi Dog will cover all costs. Another volunteer group will provide volunteers to assist in picking up the dogs. This decision has been made because of the very high health risks if they stay there much longer and the water there is not receding.
The costs will be VERY HIGH… But the lives of these Animals is worth every cent.
The health and welfare of the Animals is our primary concern, whist they have been saved from Drowning and Starving, we want to now need to protect them from diseases like Distemper, and general toxic water borne illnesses.
If You are able to Donate towards this Rescue within a Rescue Please do..
If not please continue to Share and Cross Post - Thanks