LITTLE Pyro a.k.a Napoleon was splashed with hot liquid, believed to be oil, when he was barely two months old. The stray puppy had been wandering along with a big wound that almost covered his entire back when he was spotted by a Good Samaritan. The man took the puppy home and placed it under the care of canine welfare project Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB). MDDB admitted the puppy to a veterinary clinic where he underwent surgery and was treated for his injuries. Although he was not expected to make it, Napoleon beat his odds and is today a strapping happy six-month old puppy. “He is a happy puppy and shows no signs of having undergone such a harrowing experience and trauma,’’ said MDDB adoption coordinator Christine Lai. Napoleon will be among the many puppies that will be put up for adoption by MDDB this Sunday at Jaya One shopping complex in Petaling Jaya. The event will be held at Block NB1, which faces Station 1 and Old Town White Coffee, from 10.00am to 6.00pm. “We hope some will come forward to give Napoleon a good home as the puppy deserves a chance in life,’’ said Lai. She added that Napoleon had undergone some basic training at the clinic and understood simple commands. Lai also said that Napoleon loves around people and is the happiest when he’s being fussed over. “It’s amazing how the puppy is still trusting of people after what had been done to him,’’ she said. Those wanting to donate to MDDB in cash and kind can also drop off the items at the adoption drive. Details: www.malaysiandogsdeservebetter@blogspot.com, http://www.facebook.com/MalaysianDogsDeserveBetter or call 019-3576477, 017-2081844 or 012-3739007.

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