
Vincent’s Updates


I’ll continue from where we left off – We thought Vincent was vomiting water. Finally, I found out that all those pools of water was not vomit, but urine. Vincent’s urine is all clear because of the kidney failure, so it’s hard to tell whether it’s water vomit or urine. There is also absolutely no smell.

We saw him urinating on that very spot, so that’s how we knew.

I’d like to believe that Vincent is urinating there to show me how much urine he can still produce. Previously, he would use the litter box or urinate by squatting at the drainhole of each toilet’s shower area, but if he did that, I won’t be able to monitor the amount of urine output. And it’s important that I do, because one of the dreaded “final stage” of kidney failure is the inability to produce urine. I dread thinking of this eventual day.

This is my first experience with chronic kidney failure. It’s very daunting and definitely not easy. There is nothing to look forward to. One has to really, really “live in the moment” and appreciate every moment when all seems well.

But then again, if you think about life – it’s also the same, isn’t it? Who gets out alive?  Who doesn’t die?  We are all born to die. Death is the only certain thing in life. There’s really nothing so great about being born – we will die. It’s just that we do not know when it might happen. Anyone, young or old, can get knocked down by a bus and die. So, what do we have to look forward? Actually, nothing. This means, living in the future is futile. All we have is this very moment. Just appreciate this moment and live life to the fullest and that would be quite enough.

Animals live in the moment.  They are so wise. They do not overthink like we humans.

So, let’s get back to Vincent….in the moment.

Yesterday, he gave me a fright because he rejected breakfast. Oh no…I thought, “Is this it?”

Thankfully, after I came back from work, Vincent was there at the door and he trotted into the kitchen to ask for food. And he ate. Oh, yay! And he ate and ate for the rest of the day.

I actually don’t dare to weigh Vincent. When I carry him, sometimes he feels lighter, but I did pluck up courage and weigh him a few days ago and it was 3.5kg. What a relief! 3.5kg is still good.

We also have not been to the vet’s for many weeks now. I don’t think I want to know the numbers. It would only make me sad and Vincent is so sensitive and perceptive, so it’s not necessary to know the numbers UNLESS some good can come out of it.

Since Vincent hates having a syringe (or anything forcibly put) in his mouth, I figured Kaminox just causes him more stress. But Vincent needs Kaminox especially for the iron, so to do that, I give him his favourite raw liver.

Previously, Vincent would only eat the liver and not the hearts, but just two days ago, he is willing to also eat the hearts, so at least that’s more balanced now. Hopefully, this will give him the extra iron that he needs. Kidney patients suffer from anaemia because the kidney can no longer produce the hormones needed to make blood. Iron is needed to make blood. Vincent had a course of the Darbepoetin jabs which, thankfully, helped.

As you know, he changes “nest” every few days. So, lately, he has gone from one corner in the upstairs family hall to three corners now. Hopefully, he keeps to these corners and don’t go under the bed!

The only medicine Vincent takes these days is the Fortekor. He likes the taste. Other than that, it’s, of course, the daily subcut (220ml) and FOOD….as often as he wishes.

Meanwhile, I chanced upon two vets who were interested in nutrition, so I’ll share whatever I’ve learnt in another instalment.

Have a good day, everyone. No, have good moments!  That would be enough.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2019/01/25/vincents-updates-5/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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