
Vincent’s Photo Shoot And Reflections On Bunny’s “condition”


I’ll start with yesterday’s lunch.

Vincent asked for food at 1pm. Still Monge season.

Again at 1.40pm. And again at 2.45pm (I did not get to monitor this as I had to rush out for an errand, but the plate was polished clean when I returned – could be the work of Heidi or Ginger, or both).

Dinner at 5pm, but Vincent didn’t want Monge so much anymore.  I tried Cindy’s Tuna and Chicken and yes!

Oh oh…does this mean Monge season is coming to an end and I’ll have to search for new food for Vincent again?

It’s not his fault, really. This happens with kidney patients – they simply have no appetite. I do understand this, of course. And that is why I have so many types of foods on standby at home.

You just have to keep trying until you hit the right now that he is willing to eat.

I know Vincent is already doing his best – to eat just to stay alive.

Let’s get some air and some sun…

If he likes car rides, I’ll take him out for a spin, but I think that might give him more stress. But sometimes, some excitement might do him some good too. Remember the time when he could not eat? A car trip to the vet’s and back did work up an appetite for him. I think it’s the excitement.

Dinner at 7.50pm. It had to be Cindy’s Tuna and Chicken. No more Monge.

This morning’s breakfast was back to Monge, though.

And a little bit of Cubgrub Chicken.

Waiting for left-overs.

I tried my luck and steamed some sardines and chicken essence for Vincent this morning, but no, he didn’t want any of it.

Heidi: I want!!

And as usual, the food guzzlers at Bunny’s Place got the best of it all!
Raw for the girls and mixed for the boys.

They have to wait for about half an hour for Vincent to finish eating, but it’s worth the wait, eh, guys?


And Bunny will clean up everyone’s bowls. I am thankful that Bunny has a good appetite. Every time I see Bunny eating, I say a prayer of thanks. He was discovered to be FIV+ at about 3 years of age (when I offered him as a blood donor for a kitten who needed amputation at the clinic – they tested his blood and informed me he was FIV+ and could not donate). Bunny was our most robust and biggest cat at that time.

The vet (then) advised that I should consider having Bunny put down (that was then, see how much has changed over just 9 years now – I trust no vet will advise to have FIV+ cats put down anymore now). Of course that was not an option for us. The vet then said I must cage Bunny up for the rest of his life and he should not be allowed to mingle with other cats (again, no vet will say this nowadays). That’s when I did my best to find out as much as I could about the FIV+ condition. The vet told me the average lifespan of an FIV+ cat would be about 3 years to a maximum of 8 years. We will take our chances and give him the best possible care that we can. No putting down. No caging for his whole life. Thanks to a holistic vet at that time, I was told that it was actually very difficult for FIV to spread. I chose to trust her.

Bunny is 12 plus now. He’s had his fair share of medical problems which, actually, weren’t THAT many (a very bad flu when he was young, a urinary tract infection with bloody urine, a vomiting problem which lasted for months – nothing helped, he finally grew out of it, and of course, the injuries due to fights with Cow).

And Cow and Indy have been tested for FIV and both are negative. These three super alphas have lived together for as long as ever and yes, don’t they fight, right?

Bunny was rather weak in the earlier years, but something happened along the way and he seems to be as “normal” as ever now. He was diagnosed as being 80% blind a few years but has that ever stopped him?  In fact, he is as sharp as a tack. The other day, Ginger came to visit at the pantry. Indy left him alone. Cow was sleeping and probably wasn’t even aware of the “intruder”. It was Bunny who “detected” the presence of Ginger from afar. Bunny came and gave Ginger an earful of warning right to his face. I quickly scooped Ginger up and took him back out before the poor boy got injured!

Ultimately, life is all about living one day at a time, isn’t it? Just do the best we can with as much kindness as we can.

Life is far from perfect, so let’s not expect it to be.

Vincent has changed his hide-away from behind the big box to ON the big box! I hope this is a sign of increased confidence?

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/12/14/vincents-photo-shoot-and..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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