这是单眼白,你注意到了吗? 是的,他少了一只明亮动人的眼...... 单眼白是一只老狗狗,是在希望护生园成立初期时所拯救的。当时市政局在单眼白所流浪的住宅区展开一场血腥残忍的大扑杀,单眼白和同伴们都难逃被捕杀的悲惨命运... 当时动物福利问题还没被这个社会所关注,市政局官员个个像野人一样,用极不文明极不人道的方式来对待他们!!! 他们把一只只捕到的狗狗装进黑色塑胶袋里,用棍,用椅子,用任何他们手上有的东西来殴打在塑胶袋里拼命挣扎,哀叫及痛苦的无辜狗狗们。事后将他们如垃圾般丢弃至垃圾槽嘻嘻哈哈的离开!! 当时住在该区照顾这些流浪狗狗的一个善心aunty事后才知道这件事..她疯狂的到垃圾槽把每一个塑胶袋都拆开,除了僵硬布满血的尸身外她找不到一只还有气息的狗狗......就在她绝望就在她想要放弃时,这时, 她看见了单眼白。 单眼白当时奄奄一息,情况惨不忍睹,浑身布满鲜红血迹。很快的单眼白立即被送往诊所接受抢救,很让人欣慰及开心的是...他活下来了,而他也是那场屠杀中唯一的生存者,但是由于遭受不间断的殴打,他失去了一只眼睛..目前单眼白居住在希望护生园里安享晚年,是我们的长者住户。 您愿意成为他的每月助养人吗? 每个月区区RM50,您能帮助我们承担他的食粮费用,每个月的去虫药费用及基本护理费用,让单眼白有一个更好的明天,一个充满希望的明天! 想助养的朋友欢迎电邮至 hopes_jb@live.com.my 索取助养表格 或 直接登记网上安全信用卡扣款系统,成为我们的每月助养人: http://www.hopejb.org/v2/content/hope-sponsorship-programme-animal-sponsorship 感谢您。
This is Dan Yan Bai, did you noticed something different from him? YES, he has only one eye… He is an old dog and was rescued during the early formation stage of HOPE. The town council was conducting strays’ culling in the neighborhood where he lived; he and his pals were all unable to escape from the tragic fate of being killed…. Animal welfare issue was not well receiving attention by the society that time, the officers from town council were like savage, using extremely unethical, uncivilized and inhumane way treating the captured strays. They placed the strays in black plastic trash bag and beat the stray dogs with wooden stick, chair or whatever they can grab on hand to attack those poor, innocent dogs that were struggling and screaming for pain in the bag. When the officers were done with attacking the dogs, they just dumped the dogs like they were rubbish into the refuse chute and left the place laughing out. There was this kind-hearted auntie who stayed in the area that also took care of the stray dog. She only managed to get to know about what had happened to the dogs much later after the culling. She went to the refuse chute desperately looking for the dogs. She opened up all the plastic bags but only to find the dogs’ stiff and cold dead bodies covered with bloods. When she was about to give up hope of helping any dogs that survived the horrible beating, she found Dan Yan Bai. Dan Yan Bai was dying and in appalling state with bloods all over his body. He was rushed to clinic immediately for emergency treatment. Fortunately he survived, the only survivor from the barbaric massacre. But he lost his one eye due to the beating. He is now our shelter’s long-term resident, HOPE is a place he can relax and enjoy his old age. Do you want to be his sponsor? With monthly contribution of RM50, you can help us to provide him with the daily needs, from meals to medical attention and the needs of the common pool of dogs. This helps Dan Yan Bai to have a better future, a future with hopes!! If you are interested to participate in this sponsorship programme, please do drop us an email at hopes_jb@live.com.my. We will then send you a sponsorship application form. Or Simply go to the online credit card recurring payment system and be our shelter long-term resident’s monthly sponsor: http://www.facebook.com/l/LAQHtKtNMAQFkG9Hgievqlw2jf4yQfsaT_Q0fK-naTKdAYQ/www.hopejb.org/v2/content/hope-sponsorship-programme-animal-sponsorship THANK YOU.
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