
Vincent’s Day At Home


It was lunch time and Vincent was upstairs, so I placed his plate of food in front of him and walked away.

Yes, he started eating!

And I slowly walked into the room and I even took a nap while waiting for him to eat. I think I must have slept for at least 15 minutes and when I woke up, he was still eating!


Off to the toilet, after eating.

Nice to be home!

Some wefies.

We left out for taiji at about 2pm and Vincent was fast asleep.

While we were gone, Ming-Yi came over and she gave Vincent a rubdown with a wet towel. He loved it! Followed by belly-rubs, which he also loves. Ming-Yi said Vincent was super affectionate.

Dinner time!

But Vincent decided to play the staring game again. Nothing was right. So, I put him into the cage with his food. I left him there while I took a shower. When I came down, he had eaten a wee bit. I then added a can of tuna and he started licking it heartily.

After eating, I let him out and later, we did subcut.

But at around 150ml, he started struggling, so I had to let him go off. He actually wanted to vomit and he did – a bit of the tuna came out.

We resumed the subcut on the other side and did a total of 250ml for today.

Then, I noticed some vomit on the floor. That was a fair bit of lunch.

The vomiting is of some concern; I hope it’s just because he ate too fast or too much (during lunch).

Soon it was medicine time. I only had to do the Azodyl with the pill-popper and the Clindamycin with the syringe. I did exactly as the vet had taught me, but it was still a struggle. Sigh… I did tell Vincent I’d have to take him back to the clinic if he won’t take his meds like a good boy. And the clinic is so far, so does he want that?

Yes, Vincent has lot of strength and energy to fight!

Hopefully the medicine sessions will be better tomorrow. Twice daily…(sobs).

I’m so tired right now.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/12/02/vincents-day-at-home/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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