
Of “graduates”, Newbies And One-Street CNRM


As a follow-up to the implementation of our new policies, so far, 13 “old” applicants have been informed that we can no longer continue sustaining their rescue work. They have also been given one month’s notice where they are still entitled to claim a maximum of two more times (subject to our weekly rate of RM200/week and subject to fund availability).

We call them, the “graduates”! And we strongly hope that whatever help we have given them will indeed “graduate” them to more independence and self-reliance.

We do not want to breed a culture of dependence and the habit of always relying on “others” to continuously provide financial help to one’s own rescue work.

Furthermore, “One-Street CNRM” has always been our motto. If one were to take care of a small area, the neutering needs would stabilise after some time. And one would only need to continue feeding and taking care of the (neutered) animals’ medical needs (which is already quite a huge task, of course).  And when the occasional new animal enters the colony, the process is repeated.

One-Street CNRM: https://myanimalcare.org/cnrm/

We have been talking with many of our old applicants in the past week and we are happy to hear that their colonies have indeed stabilised or is stabilising. Some informed us that they only have a few more animals to neuter and that would be it. The neutering part will be done.

Kudos to all these caring feeders!

There are also those who say they wish to do a new area now. Our advice on this would be: If you are able to take care of the animals in your existing area and wish to do a new area, then, please do plan your finances well and most importantly, please ensure that the animals in your old area will still be well taken care of.

And always: Please do within your means. Whatever little bit you can do (but do well) is good enough. There is no need to wear yourself out until rescue work no longer becomes a source of joy but is just a burden and a source of anxiety and compassion fatigue.

AnimalCare will remain as a “starter fund”. We can only help you start off your CNRM work, and if you wish to do more later, please plan that carefully and wisely.

For those who are doing the “dumping grounds”, we applaud your kind efforts and will help you only as far as possible. Please be prepared to fund your own work if animals continue to be “dumped” at your location. Otherwise, please know our own limit and just do what you can.

Our motto is CNRM; it begins with C=Care and ends with M=Manage. We will help you with N=Neuter. The rest is on you. And we cannot over-emphasize how important the Care component is.

But if you are a TNR-er, which means you prefer to just trap, neuter and release without the “manage” or “care” component, then please be prepared to find your own financial resources to continue funding your work.

AnimalCare is a charity founded on life-affirming principles. As such, applicants who share our values will be given priority in the assessment and approval process.

This holds true: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/11/14/a-note-from-the-animalcare-exco-republish/

We would like to take the opportunity to stress that AnimalCare is a charity founded on life-affirming principles. As such, applicants who share our values will be given priority in the assessment and approval process.

To clarify, we do not endorse the putting down of sick or infant animals without giving the animals treatment or care, nor do we encourage rescuers who focus on just getting an animal neutered and released but then fail to follow up with the necessary medical treatment or care.

CNRM starts with “Care” and ends with “Manage”.

All creatures – be they young, weakly, sick or elderly – are precious and deserve to be cared for as best as possible, so our larger objective is to promote and grow a community that not only rescues and neuters street animals, but is committed to their long-term care and wellbeing.

Thank you for your interest and understanding in helping us achieve this.

Having said this, I would like to publish the conversation with one of our “graduates”. We just informed this wonderful lady last night that she has one more month to claim as our funds are depleting and we need to focus on helping new feeders.

Here’s what she says after being told of the one month’s notice:

Baiklah, t.kasih kembali kerana bnyak membantu saya dalam pemandulan straycat. Myanimalcare memang sgt mmbantu.

Sy telah menggunakan khidmat myanimalcare sejak 2012. Sebelum itu sy menggunakan duit sendiri. Setelah diperkenalkn oleh kwn tentang myanimalvcare, sgt mmbntu. Masa itu keewangan sy mmg teruk sbb 5 org ank masih belajar.

Sejak 2012 saya mula memohon bntuan myanimalcare. Sblm itu sy menggunakan duit sendiri. Bnyak kes kcg di kedai2 makan sy mndulkn. Pd pendapat saya ramai yg xtau tentang spay n neuter. Saya bnyak mengajar mereka tentang pemandulan. Mereka sebenarnya suka pada kucing, contohnya org yg berniaga di kedai mkn. Tp mereka risau kcg mmbiak. Kedai jadi tidak selesa, tp bila sy tlh mndulkn, mereka cuma bg mkn, sy cuma bg ubt kutu dan cacing. Sy pantau sesekali. Mereka jadi sayang pd kcg tersebut dan ada yg bawa pulang. Ramai yg beminat dgn pemndulan.

Tentang dana , sy jg amat bersimpati. Bagi peluang pd yg baru pula, dan sy akan cuba mmbntu kawan2 dengan mmbayarkn dahulu dan mereka mmbayar ansuran, jg saya bayarkan separuh bg yg betul2 susah.

We are truly so humbled by her gracious and proactive response to our notice. This wonderful lady says she will now help others.

Thank you very much, Puan. It is our pleasure and honour to have been able to assist you in the past. We wish you all the best and may you be granted the strength and resources to continue helping the animals in Kuantan.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/11/29/of-graduates-newbies-and..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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