
Vincent’s Morning And Other Stories


Vincent wet the bed again last night, but it was too disruptive to change the sheets.  “Luckily” his urine is mostly water (could even be all water since his kidneys are shot). I placed a thick towel over the wet patch and will change all the sheets this morning.

We are thinking that maybe a large piece of tarp (as a liner) might be more cost-effective, instead of these bed liners.

Vincent did not look so good this morning. He still has heavy breathing which I hope is purely due to the respiratory infection.

I carried him downstairs for breakfast.

Vincent didn’t feel like eating this morning. Maybe it was too early. It was 4.30am. I force-fed him some Recovery and after some coaxing, he started eating a little bit on his own. I tried various foods also, but his appetite just isn’t quite there. He did, however, eat some raw liver (a fresh batch). Vincent is very fussy over “freshness”.

And I’m glad he drank water too.  I noticed he had not drunk water for at least 24 hours or more. There’s the daily subcut, but he needs to drink water as well due to the massive fluid loss from his kidneys. The vet said Vincent was dehydrated at the clinic yesterday.

I need this list to help me remember.

Meanwhile, Ginger and Tabs are feeling a little left out, so we have to spend time with them as well. Heidi is completely fine, as long as she gets her little taiji trips out to the park, she gets to eat grass and she has her cardboard boxes to sleep in. Madame is very independent.

Ginger, on the other hand, has been pampered by Daffodil all his life, so he needs a great deal of attention…all the time.

I need some dimsum, please. 

Yes, and his dimsum as well. He just has to have his titbits so very often. It isn’t exactly healthy, I know, so I compromise. He cannot eat a big amount at one go, unlike our super-alphas like Cow & Bunny. Indy doesn’t eat a lot, though. Just enough. But he is as solid as iron. What with all the spider-cat scaling of the netting daily, that would be a no-brainer.

A little attention is, of course, always welcomed!

Tabs: Don’t forget me, please….sobs. 

There have been battles in the bedroom for quite a few weeks, which I hadn’t had time to write about. Vincent would come onto the bed and this made Ginger jealous, so he too had to jump up. Because of the presence of the two males, Tabs had nowhere to go. Tabs tried very hard to protect her territory (which was our bed), but Vincent and Ginger ignored poor Tabs’ attempts. So sometimes Tabs had to go outside the room. Sobs…

And Heidi too stopped coming at her usual 5am “alarm clock” rounds when Vincent and Ginger were on the bed.

So yes, a lot of drama there too.


My conclusion, based on my brood – it’s the males who create all the drama!!!

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/11/23/vincents-morning-and-oth..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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